This is a site I put up very quickly just to show what can be done with this website system I am using. I kept the nice picture of Yosemite just as an example but we can remove it. I wanted to get your feedback and keep building on what we have here.
The design isn't ideal but being able to quickly put parts up online for sale and getting the online marketing started is VERY easy. Here are a list of tasks we have to work on: 1. Set up Google Checkout or Paypal for online purchases. 2. Set up email for Contact form and Quick Quote form 3. Add home page slideshow images and "Featured parts" 4. Add Parts/Cars title, picture, description and price. 5. Add about us information, image and content 6. Add correct address for contact us page and about us page (thinking of combining the 2 pages and just listing it as Contact Us. Many sites include the about us information under Contact Us) I'll keep track of what I'm working on and what work needs to be done via this small blog. There is a link at the bottom of the site that says "Dev Blog" and you can click on it to read and make comments. Thanks.
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